De a lényeg a lényeg, hogy elkészítettem ezt az oliva közepű Adagio 'gyűrűt', amiből még lehet medál lesz inkább, mert viszonylag nagynak érzem gyűrűként. Még nem döntöttem...
First of all, I would say that I find it impossible to take pictures of Swarovski beads. Or it might be me who is unable to take an enjoyable photo of them. Once the pics show totally different colours - as in this case siam seems to be almost black - and the other only one part of the picture is clear since the camera cannot bring the whole item into focus :(
Anyway, the main point is that I completed this Adagio 'ring' with an olive Rivoli in the middle which might become a pendant instead because I find it rather big as a ring. However, I haven't decided yet...

Amikor megláttam Krisztánál az általa tervezett gyűrűt, azonnal beleszerettem :) Elkészítettem, s egyszerűen imádom. Azt hiszem, lesz még más színben is :)
When I noticed this ring designed by Kriszta, I immediately fell in love with it :) I quickly made this light montana blue one and I must say I love it a lot. I think I will make more in other colours, too :)
When I noticed this ring designed by Kriszta, I immediately fell in love with it :) I quickly made this light montana blue one and I must say I love it a lot. I think I will make more in other colours, too :)