30 november, 2009
27 november, 2009
Örömanya szett / Bride's mother set
It's a previous set again - I made it for my colleague whose daughter's wedding was in May. Since the dress required rather simple jewellery, I put only a little wave into the beading :)
24 november, 2009
22 november, 2009
Trogiri emlék / A Memento of Trogir
A héten nem igazán éreztem kedvet a fűzéshez. S ihletem se nagyon volt. Talán az időjárásnak köszönhető ez a depis hangulat nálam :( Azért van egy régebbi darabkám, amit még a nyáron, trogiri napfürdőzés közepette készítettem. Szép emlék ezeken a borús napokon :)
I didn't really feel like beading this week. I wasn't even inspired. This depressing feeling is probably due to the weather :( However, I have some old pieces which were made while I was sunbathing on the beach of Trogir this summer. Lovely memory on these dull days :)
I didn't really feel like beading this week. I wasn't even inspired. This depressing feeling is probably due to the weather :( However, I have some old pieces which were made while I was sunbathing on the beach of Trogir this summer. Lovely memory on these dull days :)
19 november, 2009
Porcelán kari / Porcelain Bracelet
Húúú... meglehetősen sokáig tartott elkészíteni! Ráadásul azért is pihenőre volt kényszerítve majd egy hónapig, mert a zöld csiszoltból 2 darabbal kevesebbem lett :( Pedig meg is csonkítottam egy kicsit...
Ohhh... it took quite a while to complete this bracelet. What is more, it was also forced to have a rest for almost a month because I had run out of the green facettes :( Two more pieces - that's all I needed. I had truncated it a bit, though.
Ohhh... it took quite a while to complete this bracelet. What is more, it was also forced to have a rest for almost a month because I had run out of the green facettes :( Two more pieces - that's all I needed. I had truncated it a bit, though.
karkötők / bracelets

15 november, 2009
Nagyon megtetszett a Marilla által készített Sziréna-nak nevezett nyaklánc. S igen megörültem annak, hogy megosztotta velünk a mintáját :) Millió köszönet érte!
When I saw Marilla's necklace called Szirena I got to like it immediately. So I was really glad when she shared the pattern with us :) Thanks a lot Marilla.
nyakláncok / necklaces

10 november, 2009
Nagyon élveztem, bár igen hosszadalmas nekifutással indult. Nehezen találtam meg ehhez a Rivolihoz illő színeket, s végül úgy láttam legjobbnak, ha maradok a saját árnyalatainál.
A befoglalás technikájára is rá kellett jönnöm, ki kellett tapasztalnom, hogyan simulnak a kásák, a Delicák és a kristályok egymáshoz a legszebben. Szóval viszonylag sokat bontottam, de nem bánom, mert most egyszerűen imádom :)
A láncon még agyalok, hogy milyen legyen. Szeretnék valami hasonlóan elegánsat, de lehet csak egyszerűen sodronyra fűzöm a kásákat, s ha jól mutat, akkor marad.
A new first – bezeling a Rivoli crystal – as well as a new design of my own :)
I enjoyed it a lot, however, it got started with a rather long-drawn-out preparation. I had difficulties with finding the coulours that match my Rivoli and finally I considered its own shades the best to use.
I also had to figure out the technique of bezeling and needed to learn how the seed beads, Delicas and the crystals nestle close to one another. So no wonder why I had to pull it into pieces again and again. But who cares??? I just love it now :)
I’m still hesitating about the necklace, though. I would like something which is similarly elegant but I might only make a string of seed beads and if they look nice together I’ll stick to them.
08 november, 2009
Shy Smile szabadon / Freely after Shy Smile
04 november, 2009
Delila szett / Delila Set
Ezt a szettet még a nyáron kezdtem el, s valójában majdnemhogy el is készült csak az utolsó simítások várattak magukra eddig. Ma végre sikerült teljesen befejezni :)
I started beading this set in the summer. In fact, they were not too far from being completely finished - I only had to add the final touches to them. At last, I managed to finish them today :)
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