Our days last week were filled with lots of travelling - we visited wonderful places in a lovely but not warm country :)

Elsőre kicsit meglepődtünk, mennyire kihaltak és borongósak Glasgow utcái - no de mikor ráeszméltünk, hogy valójában vasárnap reggel 7 órakor, egy éjszakai esőzés után érkeztünk, már nem is csodálkoztunk. Délutánra teljesen ki is cserélődött a város hangulata :)
First we were quite surprised how dead and gloomy the streets of Glasgow were - but when we realised that we had actually arrived after a big rain at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning, we understood that there wasn't anything to be wondered at. And yes, the atmosphere of the city completely changed by the afternoon :)
To see as much of Scotland as we can we went on a one day excursion which was perfect. We were taken up to Inverness on the west side and then back on the east. We got confused which way to look 'cause there was something spectacular in every direction. Interestingly enough, some Asian fellow-travellers slept almost the whole excursion through :)

The enchanting green surface of the Scottish Highlands was absolutely stunning.
Among the thousands of castles in Scotland we visited the ruins of Urquhart by Loch Ness. The scenery was amazing from the top and in order not to miss the chance to see Nessy we also took part in a boat ride :)
Unfortunately, in Edinburgh it was really dark and wet and in the afternoon it was pouring with rain. But the city itself is extraordinary - I had the feeling that I was in one of Dicken's novels or some time back in the 18th or 19th century :)

And finally we spent a few more days wandering in London - we had lovely strolls in its parks and posh residential areas, as well :) This time we really tried to take it easy :)